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Visiting Italy Together: The Importance of Living Slowly - MegbyDesign

Visiting Italy Together: The Importance of Living Slowly

Visiting Italy Together: The Importance of Living Slowly - MegbyDesign

Visiting Italy Together: The Importance of Living Slowly

As many of you know my family and I went to Italy for Christmas, our first family holiday in too may years to count. We are so incredibly grateful to have spent those weeks together exploring so ma...

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The Elegance of Cotton Organdy: Care Tips and More - MegbyDesign

The Elegance of Cotton Organdy: Care Tips and More

Cotton organdy is a fabric that exudes an air of timeless elegance and grace, it was first created in Switzerland and has trace origins to the early Middle Ages. Known for its crisp, sheer texture ...

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Making a Difference: The Power of Ethical Slow Fashion and Natural Fabrics - MegbyDesign

Making a Difference: The Power of Ethical Slow Fashion and Natural Fabrics

Choosing slow fashion brands that use natural fabrics fosters a deeper connection to your clothing. When you know that your garments are made with care and consideration for both people and the pla...

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Embracing Timeless Elegance: Ageing Gracefully with Style - MegbyDesign

Embracing Timeless Elegance: Ageing Gracefully with Style

Ageing gracefully is not about chasing the elusive fountain of youth; it's about embracing and celebrating the beauty of the journey we're on.

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